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Hello and Good Afternoon


Updated: Dec 3, 2021

Welcome to DockStar Thruster’s first blog post where we get to write about some information about us, our business, being a small US manufacturer, the marine equipment industry, and (last but not least) our Smart Thruster and how it can help you and your boat as they have for many other owners.

Expect this to be more of a “stream of conscience” type of blog with some “inside baseball” about how things are from our perspective. Also, don’t expect this to have any kind of routine schedule for our posts to this.

As I write this, it is early December 2021, and the DockStar Thrusters team has found ourselves in a slow off-season. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing as it allows our small team to do a lot of re-tooling, process improvements, planning, design work, stocking up on inventory, and “cleaning up” all our back-office systems and processes, like banking, insurance, accounting, legal, etc. that comprises all the unglamorous nuts-and-bolts of running a small independent company. These are things that we were not able to do during the summer months.

On the consumer side of things, expect to see some additions to our line in the form of accessories to help owners store and maintain their Smart Thrusters, new products to make our Thrusters more efficient, and small additions to further increase the reliability of our systems. I don’t want to spill the beans or let the cat out of the bag until we’re ready but expect us to keep evolving.

Very Respectfully,



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